


发表于: 2016-04-14 15:30



  We need to behave politely because we represent China in foreigners' eyes.In order to prove to foreigners that China is a great nation with a high civilization, we should make sure we are polite. We should avoid speaking loudly in public places and spitting and littering.


  The independent enrollment serves as extra opportunities for high school students to enter prestigious universities. College entrance examination is no longer the only approach to the university, especially for those with special talents. We have every reason to believe that all roads lead to Rome. However, those difficult exams organized by universities for their independent enrollment are bound to make students bear more burden. It may also bring out injustice if strict supervision is not in place.


  Owing to the current exam-oriented education environment, students attach much importance to learning English. This is having a negative impact on traditional Chinese cultural values. It’s high time that we cooled down our English fever and protected our mother tongue. Instead of making English a compulsory course, schools should make it optional and offer other courses on Chinese culture and other foreign languages.

  It is learning English that can help us to understand the rest of the world. Because of English, we can travel abroad without tour guides, understand the instructions of imported goods and study abroad. It is too extreme to cancel English classes in schools. It is our education system instead of English learning that makes students as busy as bees.


  Many people read on digital devices like cell phones and e-books. The fast pace of life leaves many people no time to sit and read a whole book, so making use of fragmented time to read is sure to be a trend. Fragmented reading has its advantages. People can get hold of large amounts of information, knowledge, and entertainment in a short time. Digital reading is faster and more interactive than traditional deep reading.

  Fragmented reading makes it harder for people to reflect on what they read. People may not bother to remember facts because they know they can always just search for answers online. It is important to read quality books in a deeper way, even if that means forcing yourself to do so. We read not only for knowledge and for practical use, but also for spiritual satisfaction.


  When it comes to choosing a major, interest should come first. Only if we are interested can we put our heart into our work. Interest motivates study. Choose what interests you and you will not go wrong. The major you choose will probably become your career your whole life. Therefore, we should think carefully about it. Don't you want to have fun in your future work?


  Plastic surgery makes people more confident and gives them advantages. Not all people are born beautiful. Plastic surgery can change an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. Good-looking people often have more opportunities. Plastic surgery can not only make people more beautiful but can also give them a competitive advantage. But plastic surgery cannot guarantee success and involves high risks.








2016-04-18 11:57


在没有硝烟的公务员考试战场上,很多考生可能面临这样一个问题:自身的写作功底还是比较深厚的,当年高考作文也是五十分上下,那为什么申论最后分数反而不高呢?遇到这种情况的考生甚至不在少数,中公教育专家经过与考生深入的了解与分析发现,很多考生把申论作文当成高考作文来写,因此,造成了得分偏低的情况。 高考和公务员考试是两种不同的人才选拔方式,二者有本质的区别,如果把申论作文当成高考作文来写,申论作文的分数不言而喻自然很低,那么高考作文和申论作文本质上有何区别呢? 一、材料的限制 高考作文的命题方式一般比较简单,而参考的给定资料不会超过100字,如2015年的江苏高考作文智慧是一种经验,是一种能力,也是一种境界。智慧和大自然一样,也有它自己的本色。请自拟标题,文体自...



2016-04-18 15:25


真性情,是作文中最宝贵的东西。有了真性情的作文,是可以打磨出来的玉矿。作文中没有它,哪怕是用了上千的成语,成百的修辞,也只能是废纸一堆。让作文拥有真性情,是同学们作文时最该下工夫的地方。 为什么说真性情是作文成功的根本,是作文成功之魂呢?读下面的作文吧! 怀想天空麦收季节,天空显得非常的明净,在麦田上空,偶尔悠然地游过几朵白云。 麦收时节,中午常是烈日当空。我们勤劳的父母不得不在烈日下劳动。作为农民,这是他们的义务。 我是一个农家子弟,我明白我们乡下的家长要靠田地来生活,供我们上学,他们为了子女辛勤地劳动,但没有半句怨言。在家我常听到他们说:只要孩子搞好了,再苦再累我们都愿意 农家子弟努力学习吧!全力以赴吧!我们敬爱的父母为了我们能过上好日子,他们埋头在烈日当空的麦田里收割麦子,这种滋味你们体会过吗? 在即将奔赴高考考场的前两天,我体会到了,又热又累。当时,我唯一的愿望希望快点把麦子收完,到家...



2016-04-18 17:15


因为身体不好,又上了年纪,我终于回了城。 回城后,我当了五三班的语文老师,发现城里的孩子比乡下的孩子活跃多了。他们喜欢说话,喜欢发言,老师就是他们的知心朋友。 然而,学生第一次交来作文本后,我却大了脑壳,也大了眼睛。要说他们的作文写得也相当不错,只是用了许多奇奇怪怪的字词,比如,我就鸡冻起来,忙问,泥还有木有啊?再比如,这事简直把我笑屎了,可他却一点笑容也木有,当我问他肿么了时,他说,这事有什么好笑的?仿佛他天生就少了笑神经似的。 除此之外,还有酱紫童鞋果酱,以及一些我看不懂的数字符号,065083770885等等。我是既茫然又困惑,联系前后文才猜出了一些,比如鸡冻应该是激动,有木有是有没有,而笑屎了应该是笑死了,肿么了是怎么了。 但另外一些字词和数字,我就看不懂也读不懂了,找学生问后才知道,酱紫就是这样子,童鞋是同学,果酱是过奖;而065083770885则分别是原谅我、你别生气、请你帮帮我。 弄清了这事,我连连摇...
